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- Out Of Body: A Look At Lucid Dreaming and Out Of Body Experiences
- A Look At Lucid Dreaming and
- Out Of Body Experiences
- Ian Wilson ("no email") write on SNET-L 13 Dec 1994:
- First, let's get to basics. When we sleep at night, we phase into a dream state that little know about. In Virginia, at the Monroe
- Institute, they have documented information where people loose weight I think 3 ounces when they go OOBE. As well as EEG
- Brainwave patterns when one is in this state.
- They conclude, with several psycologists in support of, that we enter this state everynight. The re-entery is associated with
- falling, jolting suddenly awake and other variables of this.
- When I have a disscussion with people verbally, I usually aske the group to look at their experiences. First we address Deja
- Vu. Every one says, "Yes, Deja Vu, I've expeirenced that!". Then I'll ask about dreaming something and having it come true.
- The number lessens ... but not much ... and people start talking about their expeirences, some more intense than others. After a
- while of discussion, I say, "Well, it appears that a lot is going on when we sleep at night? This is happening whether you want it
- to or not ... so let's find out the reasons for it."
- And that will begin a discussion of what I have experienced and what I have found out ... such as OOBE's, shared dreams,
- shared OOBES, and other things that I will talk about later. And the most important piece of factual information is, You are
- doing this naturally anyways, so all you have to do is become AWARE that you are doing it.
- Awareness has always been the keys to the doors of perception. And a induced OOBE where you are fully conscious is just
- taking your physical consciousness, your logical left brain functions along for the ride.
- The left brain is vital to memory and recording this experience, also when the left brain and right brain are working, you become
- aware, that part of you that you associate yourself with that say's, "I think therefore I am."
- So I guess the key for successful anything in the dream state or OOBE is knowing you do it anyways in deep sleep, and all you
- have to do is join in on the adventure with your conscious awareness. The rest will fall into place.
- Since we are just going to flick a switch to activate you in when your physical body sleeps, the key is awareness, and the action
- is mind awake, body asleep. This is achieved without any fancy rituals, no medatating in ashrams, seeking the great Makullu ...
- eating special herbs ect ... ect ... those are focuses that can and do distort this experience with expectations and beliefs.
- The best technique I can offer is the most natural one you can think of. To let this experience occure with natural sleeping
- patterns so that you can achieve it as you should naturally. It's called the "Lazy Human Release Technique"
- You will begin to pattern your awareness into the dreaming state as we speak ... when you sleep at night, all I ask of you to do
- is just this.
- Tell yourself:
- "I am going to sleep now. I know I will be dreaming.
- I am going to be aware of what happens when I fall asleep.
- I will remember what I dream in full conscious detail."
- Then, when you first go to sleep, watch what happens naturally. What does your mind do to trick you into sleeping. What
- feelings and thoughts occure ... If you start to see colors, images and/or find yourself thinking in abstract form, that usually
- indicates the right-brain taking over and the left-brain ... lazy, tired, uninterested in the right-brain kicking off to sleep. You
- might even begin to see three dimentional shapes and even hear audible sounds such as music, voices, banging anything ...
- That shouldn't frighten you, it is a dream coming into your awareness. The sounds and images if left alone will blossom into a full
- sensory 3-dimentional dream that you can explore consciously, change willingly and learn from. You will dissasociate with your
- physical life and body as normal in a dream state, but you will be fully conscious if you followed this sleeping pattern while
- being aware that it goes on when you sleep anyways.
- That's a good formula for Lucid dreams. But same principle applies to the OOBE.
- After sleeping for four to six hours, wake up, record your dreams or remeber them as much as you can, think about them,
- analyse them, use a voice recorder if you want or write them down, it helps train you to remeber them more clearly.
- Then, use the washroom, stretch, check E-mail, do something to activate naturally your left brain and wakefullness. It doesn't
- have to be fancy, even waking up registering mentally that you are awake and then doing an induced OOBE is enough, but I
- find that we are lazy left-brainers who drop off to sleep like eating fast food ... we always hurry and miss the bigger picture ...
- we forget to savour our food and savour our sleep.
- As soon as you feel awake, but physically tired, lie back down. The mind needs only four to six hours of sleep, the body likes a
- good solid eight hours. You have now created a naturaly occuring state of physical being where your body would like two
- more hours of sleep, but your brain will be more active and into things such as dreaming and OOBEs since it has already slept.
- Now you are ready to induce a fully waking concscious OOBE. And You may on your first try, this is common if you follow a
- natural pattern and keep your awareness about you.
- The process is simple, you are going back to sleep. That's it. But we like to prepare the left-brain for it's task of staying with us
- for the experiment. So we can do this by just letting ourselves know that we are going to be fully conscouse in the sleeping
- state. And acknowledge that we will be asleep physically and awake mentally. It is that simple, but simplicity does not always
- satisfy the left brain, so a good pattern is nice to follow.
- When you lie down, again, be aware of the techniques your mind uses to trick you into falling asleep. This is so vital as you can
- learn so much about yourself and your own natural patterns this way. Being intellegent and able to learn, you will teach yourself
- how to stay afloat and remain awake by letting this natural pattern occure without interfering with it by preventing it, thinking too
- much about it, dragging in all your worries, concerns and fears. This occures naturally, so we are going to let it happen, be
- aware of it, and allow ourselves to be fully conscious while our body sleeps.
- Fall asleep normally, except for the fact that you are going to let yourself be conscious while it happens ... if you are finding it
- difficult to relax and sleep because you are exerting to much alert mental control, let go and relax ... play around with thinking in
- sounds and images rather than words ... speak the language of the right brain. Occupy as much of your left brain with your own
- sleep inducing techniques so that it follows a natural pattern to sleep as well. Instead of dreaming naturally you are controlling
- your dream just like you do when you breath ... it happens naturally, but you can control it when you desire.
- Sometimes you'll have to just let go and fall asleep hoping that you have triggered enough interest in yourself to pop awake
- naturally.
- If this is not working so smoothly, we can try to formulate more mental techniques to induce this state, but in the end, it all
- comes down to falling asleep naturally, but just being aware in those states.
- Take the Monroe Instatutes example. They use HEMI-SYNC, and follow a series of conditions that help, but this is again, a
- focus technique to do something that occures naturally. And it does not require HEMI- SYNC to do this, but apparently
- HEMI-SYNC helps ... I always think that it's a placebo(sp) effect ... but if it works, great. And it does.
- We'll create a simular pattern but with using suggestion.
- While going back to sleep ...
- If you are thinking to much and have too much on your mind, drop the excess baggage, it will just get in the way. Here's a great
- technique using visualisation to release your fears, anxieties, and concerns as well as anything else blocking your experiment.
- Visualise a bright white balloon glowing vibrantly with white light. Place the anxieties, concerns, fears, and anything else
- interfering with your experiment into the balloon. Attach a : This won't bother me anymore, it wont inteferre with my OOBE.
- And let the baloon float up and away from your imaganitive sight.
- Do a deep breathing technique to help relax you if your not relaxed enough. Breath around 10 to 20 deep breaths. As you
- breath in, visualise vibrant energy entering from all parts of your body, and when you breath out, visualise used up, tired energy
- pouring out from every part of you and relax.
- Say an affirmation:
- I use a blend of the Monroe, and my own ... you can review both and add to it like you would a signature according to the
- desired experience you wanted.
- " I will be fully conscious as I am now when my Body falls asleep. I will be fully alert and will remeber in
- full conscious detail what I am experiencing. I desire to go out-of-body and explore this state with all my
- awareness."
- That is a great simplified one to program yourself if your not as successful with following the natural patterns of sleep into
- waking OOBE.
- The Monroe Institute teaches ...
- "I am more than my physical body since I am more than physical matter, I can percieve that which is
- greater than the physical world.
- Therefore, I deeply desire to expand, to experience: To know, to understand, to control, to use such
- greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow
- me.
- Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those indaviduals
- whose wisdom, development, and experience are equal to or greater than my own. I ask their guidance
- and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires."
- As in any affirmation, your making a conscious effort to state what you desire and think so that you will do what you wish to
- achieve.
- After the affirmation, the visualisation, and you desired intent, let yourself go out-of-body. Allowing yourself to and forcing
- yourself to have two very different results, you get farther with a gental push rather a forceful punch. Allow yourself to do this,
- and don't create an emotional response such as fustration due to no results or anything that will require that much more
- re-programming so that you can do this. The simpler the better.
- Just fall asleep after some of these focuses and let go of being awake ... I find I just pop awake, especially if I had some
- audible sounds and images prior to dropping off. If I can stay conscious, I will feel my body suddenly go numb and I instantly
- pop out by sitting up or rolling out. Sometimes, you can just let yourself sleep after you state your intent and it works.
- If you can't do it first try, don't worry, keep practacing, and learn as much as you can about your sleeping patterns. Learn, learn
- and learn as much as you can so that you Know and understand what this process is.
- This is some of what I have experience and some of my friends in a consciously induced OOBE, so don't worry if you
- experience the same thing.
- Loud Sounds, such as thunder, explosions, and music blaring, as loud and normal as waking sounds.
- Sudden flashes of color or shifting through a tunnel into a dream state.
- Intense electrical surges and vibrations.
- Other beings lifting or assisting you "out" then leaving. Can be even shaking you out by your feet and arms.
- Intense buzzing in the head and forehead.
- You may add to this list ... :) But don't let it frighten you ... these are normal as you phase between states of consciousness ... it
- is multi-layered so expect different states of awareness to reveal themselves to you.
- I call one state Secondary Consciousness where SUPER-IMPOSED REALSIM kicks in and you think you are awake. So
- you get up, eat breakfast and fret about not going OOB. Then you wake up. That's a good example of your mental ability to
- project a reality. There is more to it though ... we'll discuss this later, quote me on it if you experience it.
- What To Expect When Your Out Of Body
- The initail first times may be very limited to just confirming that you are OOB by checking your physical body out. It is a great
- time to explore the physical surroundings by touching a wall, passing your hand into it, feel your physical body and put your
- non-pysical hand in it. Check out your non-physical body and LEARN LEARN LEARN all you can,
- Record the information when you wake up.
- You may feel a strong pull like a magnet pulling you back towards your body, you can resist by focusing on an object, grab it
- and confirm that you are going to remain consciouse.
- You may be limited to just five or ten feet ... (self imposed limitations)
- You may phase into other areas of the human space/time areas of experience and view 3-D sensory locations where it's
- accumilation of human thoughts and emotions ... I highly recommend knowing that this area is where a lot of HUMAN thinking/
- fretting/ believing/ screaming/ loving/ ect is stored and is best left to itself. The ideal goal of your OOBE is not to stay in these
- thought circles, but to rise above them to the more intellegent and orderly ones where you can actuall learn practical information
- regarding your human experience and the reality you were once so completely focused in.
- Expect to go forward and back in time. View locations you have never been to. Go to other planets and reality systems ... it is
- a very, very big and vast universe ... you have much to LEARN LEARN LEARN!
- I suggest visiting friends for the first part, learning to phase into the dreaming spheres where we gather in groups, there is so
- much ... but never fear or worry about revealing truths.
- Remeber, you do this anyways, so the best thing to do, is ask that part of you that knows the territory to show you around ...
- when OOB, just acknowledge that there is a part of you that knows this, and ask it to be your guide, that's the best advice I
- can offer, who better to show you the territory than your self :)
- Expect to turn unknowns into knowns, and beliefs in to truths as you LEARN LEARN LEARN all you can about yourself and
- your relationship to this vast universe, you may uncover just how damn important you really are.
- Post me your findings and questions, I'll help with all I have available to me ... Most of all, have fun and make these expeirences
- ones of joy, love, learning and personal self discovery ... all will fall into place ...
- Cheers,
- Ian